Camel's Urine & Its Cure

In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatahu

Camel’s Urine Drinking In Hadith

Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 8.797 Narrated byAnas bin Malik

A group of people from 'Ukl (or 'Uraina) tribe--but I think he said that they were from 'Ukl--came to Medina and (they became ill, so) the Prophet
ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) she-camels and told them to go out and drink the camels' urine and milk (as a medicine). So they went and drank
it, and when they became healthy, they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. This news reached the Prophet early in the morning, so he sent
(some) men in their pursuit and they were captured and brought to the Prophet before midday. He ordered to cut off their hands and legs and their
eyes to be branded with heated iron pieces and they were thrown at Al-Harra, and when they asked for water to drink, they were not given water. (Abu
Qilaba said, "Those were the people who committed theft and murder and reverted to disbelief after being believers (Muslims), and fought against
Allah and His Apostle").

they got punishment because they murdered and commited mischief on earth.

5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution or
crucifixion of the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.

Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 1.234 Narrated byAbu Qilaba
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 5.505 Narrated byAnas
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 7.623 Narrated byAnas bin Malik
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 8.794 Narrated byAnas
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 8.796 Narrated byAnas
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 9.37 Narrated byAbu Qilaba

Excerpts taken from

Camel Urine in Arab Medicine

The medicinal properties of the Arabian camel were known to Arab physicians. In his magisterial Canon - "a medical bible for a longer time than any other
work"[4], Ibn Sînâ (Avicenna) mentions that chronic imbalance of the liver produces jaundice, dropsy (istisqâ'), and swelling of the belly and that the
health of the liver can be restored through a temporary diet of camel milk and male Arabian Najîb camel urine, "the most beneficient type of urine,
then human urine."[5] Avicennan textbooks by Ibn al-Azraq (d. 890) and al-Suwaydî (600-690) state, "The cure [for dropsy] is to drink the milk of
the she-camel - together with its urine - fresh out of the udder[6], and to use that every day and leave everything else, for it is extremely efficient
and of proven results."[7]

Ibn Sayyid al-Nâs specifies, "notably desert camels feeding on wormwood and southernwood."[8] Wormwood is among the herbs that are extremely useful in
correcting digestive disorders in general and for helping detoxify the liver in particular, and is used in the treatment of hepatitis.[9]

Thus, Arabian camel urine was a standard prescription in Arabic medicine and remains a staple of Bedouin natural remedies to this day both as diuretic,
snuff and delousing hair wash.[10]

One of the great Arab physicians was the Antiochene Dâwûd ibn `Umar al-Antâkî (d. 1008) who knew Greek as well as Arabic, worked in Cairo and
Damascus, and died in Makka. He produced a number of Arabic treatises, the most famous being his two-volume Tadhkirat Ulîl-Albâb wal-Jâmi` lil-`Ajab
al-`Ujâb or "Memorandum Book for Those Endowed with Hearts and the Encyclopedia of Wonders" - still available in print - in which he says:

Urine differs according to its animal origin but it all tends to heat and dryness provided it does not come from an animal devoid of bile such as the
camel. In the latter case, its dryness is minimal because it is devoid of salinity since nothing breaks down salinity, with water, other than the
bile. All urine types dispel the effects of disease, cure the eye and the ear, chronic cough, difficulty in respiration, the spleen, and uterine
pains, especially aged and/or congealed. The most effective types are human urine then the camel's.[11]

A camel needs eight times more salt than ovines and bovines - 1kg weekly - and the low salinity of its urine is due to the fact that it produces ADH
(anti-diuretic hormone) and aldosterone, a hormone that facilitates reabsorption of urine water from the urinary tracts into blood, reducing the
quantity of urine. The liver has few excess amino-acids to degrade into urea and uric acid - highly toxic substances - because of the camel's vegetarian
regimen. At the same time, aldosterone helps retain sodium at the level of the kidneys, which keeps water in the body. All this produces such a
concentrated urine that the volume excreted can be reduced from 20 to 5 liters.[12]

Use of Animal Urine in Modern Medicine

Use of animal urine is endorsed in mainstream modern medicine. Pregnant mare urine is the source of conjugated equine estrogens and has been marketed for
over fifty years as the pharmaceutical brand Premarin, "an estrogen treatment for menopausal and premenopausal women" especially postpartum -
one of the most prescribed drugs in the United States.[13] It was very recently discovered that adding distilled cow urine to medicaments increases
their effectiveness while decreasing their side-effects, making anti-cancer and anti-tubercular drugs twenty times more effective and anti-bacterial
drugs eighty times more effective.[14] Human "urine therapy" is a staple of ayurveda but remains an underground semi-science in the West.

Malaria, Typhus, Dropsy, or Hepatitis?

Dr. Mahmûd Nâzim al-Nusaymî saw the diseases caused by the fever of Madîna as one of two types: either fever caused by gastrointestinal infections such
as typhoid and other types of salmonella; or malaria-type marsh fever and chills (hummâ al-barda'). The former causes a swelling of the stomach and
intestines while the latter causes a swelling in the pancreas and liver. These diseases are carried by insects such as mosquitoes, which fester in
stagnant-water and vegetation-rich environments.[20]

Two Syrian contemporaries, the savant Shams al-Dîn Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751) in al-Tibb al-Nabawî ("Medicine of the Prophet") and the eye specialist and
antimonist of Safad al-Kahhâl `Alî ibn `Abd al-Karîm ibn Tarkhân (d. 759) in al-Ahkâm al-Nabawiyya fîl-Sinâ`at al-Tibbiyya ("The Prophetic Prescriptions
in Medical Science") both believed that the disease diagnosed in the hadîth of the `Uraniyyîn was a form of dropsy.[21] Ascites dropsy is caused mostly
by liver imbalance and can lead to cirrhosis.[22] We mentioned the standard Avicennan prescription in such cases. This was tested recently. A researcher
from a teaching hospital in the Sudan presented a study of 30 patients with ascites dropsy, an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity of the
abdomen that causes distended stomachs.[23] The study found that patients responded slightly better to 150ml of camel urine a day than to the standard
chemical-based medicine, the strong diuretic furosemide.[24] However, ascites is not acquired in a short time and is a lifelong ailment. Nor is it
infectious, so it is unlikely that eight people would contract it in a brief time and all at once.

According to our teacher Dr. Sâmir al-Nass, the likeliest diagnosis of the symptoms and background described in the hadîth of the `Uraniyyîn is that
the patients suffered from viral hepatitis (= literally "swelling"), a highly infectious inflammation of the liver that causes jaundice, bloating
of the abdomen due to accumulation of fluid, and fever. Among its treatments are diuretics and low-fat diets.

By North Africa correspondent David Bamford source
Scientists from the United Arab Emirates have proposed using one of the world's hardiest mammals - the camel - in the campaign to fight and eradicate human diseases. A team led by Dr Sabah Jassim, from the Zayed Complex for Herbal Research and Traditional Medicine, says camels are highly resistant to many deadly viral diseases and believes their antibodies could be used for new drugs.
Camels have a unique physiology that allows them to thrive in some of the world's harshest environments.
They can survive the perils of desert dehydration by storing water in their bloodstream; they can survive lack of food by holding extra fatty tissue in their humps; their milk stays fresh much longer than that of a cow.
Natural immunity
But as well as these advantages, they have immune systems that are so robust. They remain free from many of the viral diseases that affect other mammals, such as foot-and-mouth and rinderpest.
The antibodies that camels carry inside them are structurally much simpler than those of humans, and Dr Sabah Jassim suggests they could be much simpler to replicate artificially than human antibodies.
Writing in the British Institute of Biology's magazine, The Biologist, Dr Jassim says the small size of camel antibodies would also allow them to penetrate deep into human tissue and cells that would not be otherwise accessible.
He said the camel antibodies, by being transported from the desert sands into the laboratory test tube, had the potential to be a vital weapon against human diseases.

[4] William Osler as cited by Monzur Ahmed in his article "Ibn Sînâ, Doctor of Doctors", Muslim Technologist, November 1990.

[5] In Mahmûd al-Nusaymî, al-Tibb al-Nabawî wal-`Ilm al-Hadîth (3:242) and
Muhammad Nizâr al-Daqr, Rawâ'i` al-Tibb al-Islâmî: al-Qism al-`Ilâjî

[6] Jawâd `Alî in al-Mufassal fî Târîkh al-`Arab Qabl al-Islâm asserts they
used to boil the urine first cf. al-Nusaymî, al-Tibb al-Nabawî wal-`Ilm
al-Hadîth (3:237).

[7] Ibn al-Azraq, Tas-hîl al-Manâfi` fil-Tibbi wal-Hikma ["The Facilitation
of Benefits in Medicine and Wisdom"] (1206 Khayriyya Cairo ed. p. 60 =1315
Hamîdiyya Cairo ed. p. 51=another old Cairo edition p. 66) cf. al-Sha`rânî's
epitome of al-Suwaydî titled Mukhtasar al-Suwaydî fil-Tibb (1302 Halabî
Cairo ed. p. 51).

[8] Cited by al-Suyûtî in his Sharh on al-Nasâ'î's Sunan (1:161).

[9] Andrew Pengelly, Herbal Treatments for Hepatitis [Online Document]

[10] Cf. Gibrîl Jabbûr, The Bedouins and the Desert, transl. Lawrence I.
Conrad (State University of New York Press, 1995) and Hilda & Dagg
Gauthier-Pilters, The Camel, Chicago and London, 1981. City Arabs apparently
know it only as a hair tonic.

[11] Al-Antâkî, Tadhkira (Cairo: Maymûniyya 1308/1891 ed. 1:77).

[12] Le chameau roule sa bosse au soleil,, and Chameaux, lamas et alpagas
(all in French)

[13] PREMARIN Family of Products; The Truth about Premarin; and Premarin
(Premarine) ERT/HRT & PMU Farms Controversy [Online Documents]

[14] (in French), quoting the
British magazine Chemistry and Industry. [Online Document]

[20] Al-Nusaymî, al-Tibb al-Nabawî wal-`Ilm al-Hadîth (3:218, 241); al-Daqr,
Rawâ'i` al-Tibb al-Islâmî (1:257).

[21] In al-Nusaymî, al-Tibb al-Nabawî wal-`Ilm al-Hadîth (3:241).

[22] Search "ascites" at Surgical Tutor [Online Document]


[24] with
the misspelling frusimide.

Allah knows best.
